The picture has nothing to do with the content of this blog but I thought it was an interesting one to grab your attention!!
After a busy week at a conference in York, Weymouth and Bournemouth and a visit to Tesco, I scanned the Radio Times for the week just to check what might be presented to us for Holy Week, in particular on Maundy Thursday and Good Friday.
At first my hopes were raised when I noticed that on the page that listed Good Fridays offerings, the margin of that page was decorated with images from the crucifixion in an artistic and tasteful manner. Imagine my disappointment and even disgust when I found NO religeous content at all on within the programmes listed!! I now discover that Great Britain, according to the BBC, is no longer a Christian Country!!!!!
There is NO reference to the Last Supper and no reference to the Crucifixion apart from Fridays tenuous link at 11.45am to "The Greatest Story Ever Told", rather an ancient american depiction of the story of Christ.
What harm would it do to have some religeous material on these days, tucked away on BBC3 or BBC4, by means of a televised service from Westminster Cathedral (not the Abbey, the lowest of low services) or any church that gives a worthwhile service with some reverence, good music, good silences and meaningful spirituality within it?
No wonder the country is falling apart at the seams and completely lost its way! We are more likely to hear or see references to a non-christian service on television nowadays. The government and the Beeb have gone far too far with its PC policies giving in to all other races, beliefs and non-British culture at the cost of sacrificing most of Britain's culture and history.
Moreover there is a very strange anomoly presented by HM Government! My wife, who is an immigrant, has to take a citizenship test shortly and has been avidly studying the course available on a CD/DVD. One of the questions was what perecentage of the UK is Christian? The answer apparently is 71.6%! Well, you could have fooled me on that one. If this is so why doesn't the BBC represent this within their programming over the most important religeous week of the Christian calendar? Just in passing, my wife has converted to Christianity during her 2 years in this country including baptism and confirmation.
Well I have had enough of this nonsense and would say that if immigrants don't like British culture, beliefs,laws, religeon and politics then they can go back to where they came from!
If any Brit tried to reject another countries culture,law and beliefs in say a Muslim country, then the Brit would end up in prison, or at best deported.
We are happy to tolerate freedom of belief and cultural differences but NOT AT THE EXPENSE OF OURS.
Interestingly enough, just to prove how far the rot has set in, a colleague of mine recently told me of someone he knows who is getting married on Good Friday"! So just as they nail Christ to the Cross the unfortunate couple will be at their marriage, what about bad taste and bad luck? I am amazed beyond belief at their ingnorance or their lack of taste and equally amazed that none of their family or friends told them what they are doing. Also I am surprised that the Registrar agreed to marry them that day, or am I? After all the Registrar IS a CIVIL SERVANT and A) would not know any better and B) the Government would not know any better either. They are too busy working out how they can further enhance their earnings or expenses like charging pornography to the public purse!
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